
According to the Government of Canada, approximately 46,000 diagnosed concussions were seen/treated in 2016-2017 by hospital emergency departments for children between 5-19 years of age. This number obviously does not take into consideration ALL of the concussions that occurred that were not either diagnosed or seen in a hospital.
Many of the reasons for concussions occur are due to sports activities – but not always. Artistic Swimming is unfortunately not immune from this type of injury.
Concussions are very serious and treatment varies for each individual. Included in treatment is a plan to “return to play” – ensuring the athlete is ready to return to “normal” planned sports activities.
MAS Club Head Coaches are asked to submit reports with detailed information regarding current and past occurrences of concussions within their athlete base.
Artistic Swimming adds another dimension to consider as underwater adds a very unique factor to potential return to play protocols.
There are a number of specialists that treat concussions including Pan Am Clinic and Sport Manitoba Medical.